One of my favorite pages to update on my website is my Chit Chat page. Since I love reading fun info about other authors, I wanted a page where readers could get to know a little bit more about me. Every month I share what music I'm listening to, what books I'm reading, things I'm currently loving, what I'm watching, what I'm looking forward to and which of the many, many recipes I've collected over the years I'm currently craving.
Unfortunately, December was so crazy-busy and the beginning of January wasn't much better that when I updated my website a few weeks ago, I couldn't think of a single thing to add/change to my Chit Chat page. But now that I've had a bit of breathing room, I've come up with lots of new ideas for my Chit Chat page.
So, instead of posting it to my website, I thought I'd share it here :-)
Here's what I'm currently...
...Listening to:
Break Even by The Script
Hey, Soul Sister by Train (I listen to this quite often since both of my daughters are always singing it *g*)
Thinking Write by Kelly L. Stone. (A gift from Tawny *g*)
You Have To Kiss A Lot Of Frogs by our very own Tawny Weber! A fun and fabulous twist on The Frog Prince fairy tale :-)

My new panini pan and cookbook! Sandwiches for everyone ;-)

My new stock pot. It's the perfect size for double batches of homemade soup and came with a strainer and a steamer basket.
Playing Rock Band with my family. We all love it!
Chuck. My daughter got the first season for Christmas and I've been watching the episodes while I run on the treadmill. Love it!
Phineas and Ferb. Okay, I only watch this when my kids are watching it but honestly, it has to be the best cartoon ever! I crack up every time *g*

Football. I'm a huge football fan and while I only watched a game or two the entire season, I've been able to catch each playoff game :-)
...Looking Forward To:
Glee! I haven't seen this show yet but I just got the first season DVD from Netflix. I want to watch it with my daughters and finding time when we're all available is challenging but we'll do it!

Making Wire Jewelry. I just got a new magazine with some fantastic ideas for wire jewelry. I can't wait to try a few of them out - as soon as I remember to order the supplies *g*
Spring. I've had enough of the cold and snow!
Frozen Berries in Hot White Chocolate
I got this recipe from Sarah Strohmeyer's website. It was featured in her book, Sweet Love . Great recipe and a fabulous book! Click on her name to check out her website *g*
1 cup heavy cream
10 oz good white chocolate, chopped into tiny pieces
1 tsp vanilla flavoring
1 tsp almond flavoring
1 lb frozen mixed berries, slightly thawed
Remove berries from freezer and spread on baking sheet coated with waxed paper. Leave out until slightly thawed.
Meanwhile, in a double boiler over simmering water combine cream, chopped chocolate and flavorings. Stir until melted.
Immediately divide semi-thawed berries into four bowls and spoon hot white chocolate sauce over each. The result is a sweet, gooey, delicious dessert!
So, tell me what you're currently:
Listening to
Looking forward to
I can't wait to Chit Chat with you all :-)
And don't forget, we're invading The Romance Dish all week!
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