Posted By Kate
It's a total thrill for me to welcome Jennifer Lyon back to the Lair today! I absolutely love her hot, sexy Wing Slayer Hunters series, which means I'm in heaven right now because the third book in the series, NIGHT MAGIC, came out last month, and SINFUL MAGIC debuts in just a few weeks. Back-to-back Wing Slayer Hunters! You've got to love that! Take it away, Jen!
Thank you to Kate and the Banditas for having me today!
I’m here with a dilemma, and I know the Romance Bandits and readers will be able to help me out. You see, I’m having trouble with my assistant. Meet Bailey.
I hired him because he’s cute, and he works for dog treats. I can actually afford dog treats, so it’s a win-win right?
Not so much. You see Bailey hardly ever shows up for work. He claims the reason is because he lives with my son in another town and can’t drive. Frankly, I think that’s a poor excuse. I mean come on, how far did Lassie travel to save Timmy? Sigh.
Another problem is that Bailey can’t type or answer phones. And he has a weird fascination with squeaky toys. Plus, he often insists on lying in my lap while I work. That makes typing a bit of a challenge.
I think I may have to reconsider Bailey as my assistant. So I’ve been looking around for other candidates and found this one:
Notice, he comes with his own transportation. That’s an obvious bonus right there! Plus he looks a lot like my hero in the third book from my Wing Slayer Hunter series, Phoenix. The book, NIGHT MAGIC was just released on March 22nd. The back cover blurb says about Phoenix: Wing Slayer Hunter Phoenix Torq is sworn to protect earth witches, but he is shaken by Ailish’s fierce independence—and his own forbidden cravings. Dark, impulsive, and haunted by his troubled past… Don’t you think that fits this guy? He could help me promote NIGHT MAGIC!
And then I found this guy:
If we tattooed a dragon on his chest, this man would look just like Key DeMicca from my next book, SINFUL MAGIC, that is coming out May 31st. Key looks like a good looking surfer, but beneath that lurks…well here’s the description from the back cover blur: Wing Slayer Hunter Kieran “Key” DeMicca channels the dark violence that lives inside him into a popular comic book series about an ancient dragon named Dyfyr, but only Key knows that Dyfyr is real. Not only could he help me promote SINFUL MAGIC, but if I sent him out to hand-sell the book, I’m betting female readers would buy more than one copy!
Two really solid candidates! But then I saw this guy:
And I thought; that’s Linc! Or Lincoln Dillinger, another Wing Slayer Hunter whose story I’m just beginning to write. Linc is a charming, sophisticated, and an obscenely rich high-stakes gambler who obviously doesn’t mind getting a little dirty now and again. Talk about inspiration to write!
I don’t know what to do! Who should I chose to be my new assistant? What do you think? Give me your opinion and you’ll be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of the first two books in the Wing Slayer Hunter series; BLOOD MAGIC and SOUL MAGIC.
Jennifer Lyon always wanted to be a witch. When her witch-powers didn't materialize, she turned to creating magic in her books. NIGHT MAGIC and SINFUL MAGIC are the third and fourth books in an enchanting, passionate and supernatural series. Jen also has a super secret alter ego known as Jennifer Apodaca, the author of the award winning Samantha Shaw Mystery Series. Visit Jen at or click here to visit the Wing Slayer Hunter Lair on Facebook.
Thank you to Kate and the Banditas for having me today!
I’m here with a dilemma, and I know the Romance Bandits and readers will be able to help me out. You see, I’m having trouble with my assistant. Meet Bailey.

Not so much. You see Bailey hardly ever shows up for work. He claims the reason is because he lives with my son in another town and can’t drive. Frankly, I think that’s a poor excuse. I mean come on, how far did Lassie travel to save Timmy? Sigh.
Another problem is that Bailey can’t type or answer phones. And he has a weird fascination with squeaky toys. Plus, he often insists on lying in my lap while I work. That makes typing a bit of a challenge.
I think I may have to reconsider Bailey as my assistant. So I’ve been looking around for other candidates and found this one:

And then I found this guy:

Two really solid candidates! But then I saw this guy:

I don’t know what to do! Who should I chose to be my new assistant? What do you think? Give me your opinion and you’ll be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of the first two books in the Wing Slayer Hunter series; BLOOD MAGIC and SOUL MAGIC.
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