Last Sunday, I went to our church here in our community near our house. It was a 5:00 PM mass and when I come in the church I was late and a little bit tired because I know that I’m late so I quickly catch up the mass but I was still late. I was late so I intended to sit at the back but I can clearly see and hear the speeches and ceremonies.
After a few words to feed our soul and other ceremonies here comes the homily or the sermon of the priest. He was a great one and he started with a welcome greet to us. At first when he started his sermon I didn’t know that he was joking though I realized later that he is. The joke goes:
There was a three couple applying and processing their marriage at the church office. They were in line because it accidentally happens that they are three couples. The first couple went inside the church office and start some orientation with the priest. It took a long time but when they are finished the second couple get inside the church office and started some orientation with the priest too. It is just in time when the second couple went out the church office so the third couple gets in to have the last orientation with the priest.
After some time, though it takes too long, when the third couple went outside the church office, they saw that the other two couples are waiting for them
B3: Hey! What are you still doing here?
B1: Ahmmm we just forgot to ask the priest if how much we will pay for each our wedding. Did you ask him about that?
B3: No but we can go back and ask him about that.
The three gentleman come back to the church office and ask the priest how much will they pay for their wedding. The priest said that the payment for their wedding is voluntary or it depends on them how much they will pay for the service. The church is free of service in wedding occasions. But the priest told something to the three gentleman how much they will pay for their wedding. They will pay depends on how their fiancés look like.
The three gentleman ask again and let the priest explained. The priest said that if their fiancés are beautiful they must pay big cash in hand. So the three gentleman went back outside to check their fiancés and then went back again inside the church office.
The first gentleman take out some booklet, it was a check. Then he writes some words and signs his signature. Then he tears it up and gives it to the priest. The priest shock because it was a P10,000.00 worth of check. The priest then thanked the first gentleman and escorted him outside the church office. The priest looks at his fiancé and murmured to the first gentleman, “Great! She was beautiful” and then go back inside the church office.
The second gentleman take out some thick arrangement of money from his pocket. He counted some piece of money and then he gave it to the priest. The priest was then shocked because he received a P5,000.00 cash. Then, the priest again escorted the second gentleman outside to check his fiancé. When they are outside the church office the priest said to the second gentleman, “She was pretty you are very lucky!” and then go back inside the church office.
The third gentleman was quiet and worried how much he will pay for it. He then takes a look outside to see his fiancé first. Then he takes out something in his pocket and gives it to the priest with some shyness. It was a P5.00 coin and the priest was worried. The priest said that it was ok for him if he hasn’t any cash right now so he escorted him outside the church office to take a look at his fiancé. When they are outside the church office, the priest called back the third gentleman and said, “Here is your P3.00 change. Congratulations!”.
After that joke, laughter comes from the crowd inside the church and I bet that it was funny too. Though I didn’t knew that it was a joke at first but it makes me smile and laugh. Our priest is really a great one, then he gave the real sermon afterwards.
Source URL: Gbejada Costa for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection