How Changeable!

    It's Spring! Wooohooo..... Sort of. Yesterday it was 85 degrees in DC. A record-setter. The cherry blossoms are in bloom (gorgeous!) and it was a day for ice cream, short sleeves, and in some cases shorts. They're brave souls, I think, and optomists. Today? OMGosh. It's 47 degrees. It's raining, windy, chilly-cold that goes to the bone, and grey. All I want to do is hibernate and go back to bed. I love spring, I really do. It's full of possibilities and delicious smells - daffodils smell like spring to me, and hyacinths smell like Easter - as well as gorgeous sights as the trees bloom, the tulips rise, the saucer magnolias blossom in a riot of pink. In a week or so, we'll see azaleas start to bud and bloom, and it WILL get warmer. But not today. Today is for keeping your coat buttoned, running through the raindrops because the wind won't tolerate an open umbrella. I've already seen two turned inside out and I'm just home from dropping carpool. So what do you do on a raw, rainy day, if you've the day off? Read? Clean? (Really?) Write? Or do you light a fire, curl up and do nuthin at all? Me? I'm going to brew a good cup of Earl Gray, get out the stash of shortbread Girl Scout Cookies I've been hiding from my boys (they who are the devourers of cookies), and contemplate new beginnings. New books. New contracts. New ideas. I figure that's a lovely way to remember that Spring really IS's just taking today off to decide how big a show to put on this year. Tell me about YOUR day.... what are you up to on this fine spring, or in Aus, NZ, etc, fall day? Oh, and by the way? IT'S BASEBALL SEASON!!! Go Braves! Go Cubs! (As long as you're not playing the Braves!) Let's Play BALL!!!Source URL:
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