Top 10 Most Beautiful Cat Breeds

    Top 10 Most Beautiful Cat Breeds

    The are millions of cat owners in the world and USA has the most cat owners in the world. Many of the cats that I think are cute are located in Africa and can’t be kept as household so I will keep the list limited to cats that are trainable and not harmful to humans. If you have a suggestion on a cute cat breed just click on the about link above and email me. So here you a list of the cutest cat breeds.

    10. Manx
    Believed to have originated on the Isle of Man hundreds of years ago, the Manx is the only truly “tailless” breed recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association. While the tail length on the Manx can vary from “rumpies” (no visible tail), to “stumpies” (small “stump” of a tail) and “tailies” (short tail) the breed standard for the Manx specifies that only “rumpies” can be shown. Manx mothers are often known to produce “rumpies,” “stumpies,” and “tailies” all within the same litter. Recognized by the CFA since at least 1920, the Manx can be long or shorthaired and comes in a variety of different colors and patterns. The Manx is round in appearance, with its hindquarters higher than its front end due to its long back legs. The Manx is beloved by its owners for its sweet expression and playful personality. Manxes are often described as “dog-like,” and their playful nature can lead them to retrieving and burying their toys. Because of their longer back legs and unusual hopping gait, Manxes have been said to descend from rabbits.

    9. American Shorthair

    Extremely popular for its longevity, gentle nature, and handsome features, the American Shorthair is truly “America’s breed,” reputedly having arrived in the United States on the Mayflower, where they were used to trap mice and rats. Though related to the British Shorthair, the American version is longer, leaner, and more athletic than its British counterpart. The CFA, which lists the American Shorthair among the first five breeds ever registered, recognizes over 80 colors and patterns of American Shorthairs, including tabby, smoke, silver, and calico. While many feral and alley cats may resemble and American shorthair in countenance, the true mark of a pedigreed American shorthair is its ability to pass on its own desirable color, markings, and facial traits to its descendants. True “working” cats, the American Shorthair has come to be beloved in America as much for its amiable nature and playful personality as for its skill in mousing. American shorthairs are known for being extremely affectionate with their owners, gentle with children, and easy-going with other household pets. Possessed of a generally quiet disposition, American Shorthairs are amongst the healthiest and most energetic of breeds.

    8. Chausie
    If you are not a dog person but want dog-like qualities in your cat then Chausie is the cat for you. Fiercely loyal and eager to be trained, Chausies are a delight to have.Never heard of a Chausie? You’re not alone. This exotic breed is the result of careful breeding between wild “jungle” cats and domestic cats. Chausies were first bred in the 1960s and 1970s as a safer alternative to keeping jungle cats in the home. The goal in breeding Chausies today remains the same as it was when they were first created: a breed that has the looks, grace, and size of a wild jungle cat, but the gentle disposition of a domestic cat. Today, the most common domestic breed used for producing Chausies is the Abyssinian, as it has the same look as a jungle cat but is significantly smaller. Because adult males can reach as much as 25 pounds, Chausies require large spaces and a lot of activity. Though Chausies are not recognized by the CFA, they were granted status in The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1995. Chausies are large and heavy-boned, with long slender legs and strong, muscled bodies. Their head is a “Chausies sport piercing oval gold or yellow eyes, and a modified wedge” head, meaning it should look like a triangle with three rounded corners. Male Chausies in the first and third generations are usually sterile, so only Chausies four generations removed from the wild cat ancestor are considered “show quality.” In addition to being extremely loyal to its owners, Chausies have a high energy level, are champion jumpers, and are extremely playful, making them an ideal companion for young children.

    7. Turkish Angora
    Considered a national treasure in its home country of Turkey, the Turkish Angora can trace its ancestry back to the Ankara region of Turkey to at least the 16th Century. Having most likely originated in the mountains, the Turkish Angora is believed to have developed its silky, medium-length coat as protection from the cold. Though the iconic Turkish Angora is white, breeders have increasingly developed them in different colors, including black, blue and tabby. The CFA currently recognizes more than 20 color varieties of Turkish Angora. In the early 1900s, the Turkish Angora was bred with Persians indiscriminately and almost ceased to exist as their own breed. Thanks to a controlled-breeding program in Turkey, the breed has continued to grow in numbers. However, every Turkish Angora registered with the CFA must be able to trace its lineage back to Turkey. The first Turkish Angora on record arrived in America in 1954, the breed quickly became popular for its beautiful-but-low-maintenance white coat, almond-shaped eyes, and large head. Playful and friendly, the Turkish Angora is extremely intelligent, good with children, and loves to provide entertainment for all comers.

    6. Ragdoll
    First created in the 1960s by a breeder in California, Ragdolls are known for their long silky coats and extremely relaxed and gentle temperaments. Indeed, Ragdolls are carefully bred for just such features. Larger than most other breeds, Ragdolls males reach between 15-20 pounds and the females weigh as much as 10-15 pounds. They sport a semi-long, silky coat and striking bright blue eyes. Due to their large size, Ragdolls mature at a slower rate than other cats, not realizing their true size until around 4 years of age. The CFA recognizes three variations of this “pointed” breed, two with patters containing white (mittened and bi-color) and one with no white at all (colorprint). As a result of careful breeding, Ragdolls are considered to be more interested in their human owners than some other breeds, often following their owners from room-to-room and enticing them to play “fetch.” Careful with their teeth and nails, Ragdolls are quiet and non-confrontational. Because of their relaxed and non-aggressive nature, Ragdolls should never be allowed outside unsupervised.

    5. Toyger _  Domestic Tiger Cats
    In 1980, a breeder was attempting to clarify the mackerel markings on tabbies when she noticed tiger-like markings on the heads of two of her cats. This discovery prompted the idea of a domestic cat resembling a wild tiger, but suitable as a pet. In other words, a “toy tiger” that would inspire cat owners to care about the cause of preserving wild tigers. Though still not quite the final breed ideal, breeders hope to have achieved significant progress towards making this gentle and loyal companion further resemble a wild tiger by 2010. The ideal Toyger will have a large, muscular body, rounded ears, a long muscular muzzle, and vertical, tiger-like stripes. Though not recognized by the CFA, Toygers have been granted full status in TICA.

    4. Persian Cat

    Adored by cat fanciers across the globe for its thick, lustrous coat, the Persian is one of the oldest breeds of cat, having been imported from Persia to Italy in 1620. Despite a long, heavy coat that requires daily grooming, the Persian has become the most popular breed of cat in the world. While the flowing coat of the white Persian is probably most familiar to cat lovers, the CFA currently recognizes more than seven color divisions for show Persians. To keep its beautiful coat from being stained by dirt and other elements, Persians are best kept indoors by their owners The Persian’s extremely foreshortened muzzle In addition, its large eyes can tear excessively. Though a bit more high-maintenance than other cats, Persians are beloved by their owners for their sweet, gentle dispositions and loving companionship. Unlike some other cats who love to jump and play, Persians are happiest perched on the back of a sofa or window sill. Because of their laid-back nature and tiny little voices, they are wonderful companions for children and senior citizens.

    3. Ashera
    If you have allergies and an extra $22,000 lying around, you might be interested in the Ashera cat. Billed as a hypoallergenic cross of a domestic cat, an African Serval, and an Asian Leopard Cat, this breed is one of the latest “designer cats” to hit the market. Advertised as a mini-leopard, spots and all, the only Asheras produced for DNA testing so far were proven to be Savannah cats, another designer hybrid, with a new name and higher price tag. Alledgedly, the Ashera is highly intelligent, affectionate, and tips the scales at up to 40 lbs. With beautiful leopard markings and striking green eyes, there is no doubt as to the beauty of this alleged hybrid. However, until the Ashera is proven to exist, cat lovers may want to hold on to their checkbooks.

    2. The Sandcat

    Cat fanciers can be forgiven for falling instantly in love with the beautiful and sleek Sandcat. A gorgeous sand color with striking gold eyes, the Sandcat has large triangular ears that protrude from its long, flat head, making it especially good at hearing even the softest sounds. Alas, the Sandcat is not available for domestic ownership, residing in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. The Sandcat is especially well-suited for hunting in the desert; it’s sandy color helps it blend in with the, you guessed it, sand, and it sports hair between its toes that help it grip the sand and protects its foot pads from the hot sand and rocks.

    1. Scottish Fold
    There’s no denying the high adorability factor on the Scottish Fold. Beloved for their sweet expressions and equally sweet dispositions, Scottish folds have a tiny little voice that they rarely use. Called “Coupari” by some Canadian breeders, Scottish Folds have a naturally-occurring gene mutation that causes the cartilage in the ear to fold over, giving them their distinctive owl-like appearance. They are first known to have appeared in the Tayside region of Scotland in 1961 and were given full championship status by the CFA in 1978. Scottish Folds are medium-sized cats with soft, rounded bodies, full whisker pads, and large, widely-spaced, curious eyes. Born with straight ears, Scottish Fold kittens begin to exhibit their trademark “fold” at around 3-4 weeks of age, though not every Scottish Fold actually winds up with a Scottish Fold ear. These hearty and strong cats are generally mellow and take life as it comes. For this reason, they are excellent companions in homes with multiple animals or children.

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