Most Aggressive and Unique Insects
Aggressiveness in nature.
There many ferocious bugs, using their luring tricks to get their prey before sucking the life out of it.
A highly sophisticated predator, it is not a worm they develop from larvae fungus nets, and are found in caves, in Australia and New Zealand. They like other maggots, but glowworms have rears that are lit up to attract insects, a chemical reaction from their abdomen allows the glow of the blue to greenish light, and they are passive-aggressive,when the insects fly into the sticky nets, it is lured into a trap then is sucked up by the glowworm. It requires dampness and a dark live.
Insects are fascinating, but also can be aggressive, during warm weather you are able to see most uniqueinsects, and observe their aggressiveness.
Sunset Moth from Madagascar
The most beautiful insect, a moth found in Madagascar, also in South America, colours of he wings change from blue to gold-green, a most wanted by collectors. Not aggressive.This spectacular, iridescently colored moth is considered by many to be the most beautiful of all Lepidoptera (the order of “scaly winged” insects, i.e., butterflies and moths). A day-flying moth endemic to Madagascar, it was originally described as a butterfly due to its resemblance to the swallowtails. The rainbow of colors on both upper and lower wing surfaces that make this species so sought after by collectors are not due to pigments, but result from the scattering and reflecting of light by microscopic ridges and pits on the highly curved scales covering the wings.The museum has several hundred specimens of this moth. It is relatively common in its native habitat, where it periodically undergoes massive one-way migrations when the hostplants for the caterpillar stage (they feed on trees in the spurge family) increase the amount of distasteful toxins in the leaves. Interestingly, after the migration has lessened pressure on the hostplant, the amount of toxins in the leaves subsides to normal levels. In the American tropics, a close relative, the green Urania moth (Urania fulgens), also makes mass migrations for the same reason.
Bulldog Ant-Myrmecia nigriscapa

They are easily recognized by their large body size, large eyes and long forward mandibles. The workers possess ocelli and sting well developed. They are often in bright colours. Ants in this subfamily are considered to be the most primitive of all living ants. They have the relatively simple social structure. Their workers and queens are about the same size.
They are fast and aggressive. They have good vision. They show a strong and well developed sting. They will not hesitate to deliver a painful stings to any intruder.
Horse Fly
A fastest speed of this flying insect, ninety miles per hour, has great controls and maneuvers when in the air, changes directions in fast speeds, like the flash of lightning, an amazing view of what they want and where they are going in advance, in the hope of catching their prey. Their eyes are the biggest of most insects, and have a three hundred and sixty degrees angle of vision..Adults bite animals and man; biting activities can be annoying in outdoor areas, and the bites can be very painful and remain swollen for several days; incessant attacks on livestock can reduce weight gain; capable of mechanically transmitting some animal diseases (e.g., anaplasmosis)
Goliath Beetle
Tiny Flies
Most Annoying, you can’t see them, they are the tiny flies, the females bite you, and suck your blood, to get the proteins for the developing of their eggs.These are the very tiny flies that gather in groups and fly in no real directions. They can pass through very fine opening when doors or windows are shut. They live primarily where there are water sources. Only the females bite and suck out blood; it is to get proteins to develop their eggs.Loudest Insect-Brevisana brevis
Brevisana brevis, the loudest insect, a specie of the cicadas, this insect can be a hear a quarter of a mile away, so small but with such great power to your ears. If heard closely, the noise reaches, one hundred and twenty dB.This specie of cicadas can be heard for over one quarter of a mile away. It is a real wonder of nature of how something so small can be so powerful to our ears. At close range, the noise can reach 120 dB. A comparative example would be a night in a discotheque, where the music usually reaches 100 dB.
Thorn Bug
Most weirdest shape, it varies in size, the adult thorn bug, found in South and Central America, also in Mexico and Florida, a species only came to known in the fifties.The size and color of this insect varies a lot, but usually, the adult thorn bug is about 0.5 inches high and of color green. They are found in South and Central America, Mexico, and southern Florida. This specie was almost unknown until almost 1950.
Longest Living Insect -Queen of Termites
The longest living insect, the queen of termites, they live for as long as fifty years, and are on earth for over two hundred million years. Termites eat dead wood, the queen lays over five thousand eggs daily, bu the mayfly only lives for an hour.The Queen of Termites has been known to live as long as 50 years. They have been on earth for over 200 million years. Termites eat dead wood and by themselves alone, cause more damages to homes than fire and storms. The queen lays between 5,000 to 7,000 eggs a day; that’s a lot of eggs for someone who can also live so long. Speaking of lifespan, there are, on the other hand, mayflies that can live as much as only an hour.
Most Destructive-Desert Locus
Most destructive, the desert locust, the termites to lots of destruction to homes, but, the desert locust destroys crops and leaves of vegetation lots more than that of the termite. Leaving millions of damaged crops on most lands.While the above termites do a lot of damage to homes, it is nothing compared to the destructiveness of the Desert Locus. They each eat about the equivalent mass of the weight of their body. They eat almost every sort of crop and vegetation: leaves, flowers, rice, fruits, vegetables, seeds, palms…you name it. 2003-2005 was one of the worst period for West Africa with the desert locus. The desert locus had invaded over 20 countries, the cost of fighting them were over $400 million and the estimated damages to the harvest were over $2.5 billion.Weaver Ants
Weaver Ants, are reddish, and found in tropical regions in Africa and India, they attack their prey in swarms, and are organised when focused on their prey, aggressive and work together.
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