The Watcher Is Coming SOON!

    by Aunty Cindy and Jo-Mama

    AC: Hey Banditas and BBs! Did you notice the new covers on the sidebar under August releases? Did you also notice a name you haven't seen on a book cover until now? YES! Our very own Jo-Mama will have her debut release next month -- a scary, can't-put-down tale of romantic
    suspense called THE WATCHER.

    J-M: Aunty Cindy, this is a real squeeeeeee moment for me! Holding a proof copy of my book in my hands was beyond thrilling.

    AC: I gotta agree! Seeing the uncorrected Advance Review Copy of your book ranks right up there in the Thrill of a Lifetime category!

    As most of the Lair regulars know, we Banditas first met because we were all Golden Heart finalists in 2006. Jeanne, Cassondra, Suz, Jo and I were all finalists in the romantic suspense category. But Jo was THE BIG WINNER that night, and the book was THE WATCHER! Now, at long last, we all get a chance to read this award winning story. I've read it and I have to tell you it kept me up most of the night! THE WATCHER is a spooky tale of a serial killer and the people in law enforcement working to catch him.

    J-M: Thanks, Cindy! That's a fine compliment for a suspense writer. But, not to worry, Bandita Buddies, there's plenty of romance in the story, too, as my hero and heroine work together to track down the killer.

    AC: Jo, please tell us where you got the idea for this book and how you came up with such unique and fascinating characters.

    J-M: The idea for my killer came from an abnormal psychology class I was taking at the time. I can't reveal too much about the killer's pathology or I'll give a key point away, but I thought, "If a person with this particular condition were to experience these particular traumas as he grew up, what might be the result?" I sort of ran with that idea and came up with my bad guy.

    I wanted my hero to be a steady, dependable sort of guy, who ended up as deputy sheriff in this small town to escape a heart-breaking event in his past.

    Kate Myers, my heroine, is a plunge-into-the-thick-of-things-without-thinking kind of woman. She's been tracking this killer for a long time.

    AC: Ah yes, your hero Ben Slater is definitely DROOL worthy! I'm sure everyone who reads this book will adore him. Was there anyone you used as a "model" for this character?

    J-M: I didn't have a real person in mind for Slater's physical attributes, but I definitely relied on the men in my life -- my four sons and husband -- as a template for his personality. My guys are very protective kinds of men.

    The operative word for Slater is "steady."

    After I'd long finished the book, however, I realized that he looks very much like Alcide in HBO's "True Blood." Here's a picture if you don't follow the series.

    AC: Oh my! (fans self vigorously) I really must put this series in my Netflix queue!

    Now, where was I? Oh, right! Your heroine, Kate is very much his match! She is also a forensic psychiatrist. How did you come up with her occupation? Anyone who served as her "model?"

    J-M: Kate is tall and leggy, very California "fresh" and healthy looking. I wanted her to be smart and an expert in her profession. By the way, forensic psychiatry is a real career, a sub-speciality of psychiatry and often an adjunct to law and criminality. I may have taken a little literary license with the kinds of things my heroine can do, however!

    AC: That's why it's called 'fiction' m'dear! And why we love reading and writing it! I can't wait for THE WATCHER to hit the shelves (and e-book readers) because I want to talk about some of the interesting plot twists without spoiling the story for others.

    J-M: Thanks for hosting me, Cindy, and giving up your blog day to talk about my book!

    AC: My pleasure!
    I love to be the first one to interview you about your debut release.

    Okay, everyone, I hope we have you intrigued enough to read Jo's book.

    Don't miss our July 30 Launch Party for THE WATCHER here in the Lair!

    What unusual occupations have you read about lately? Are there some different forms of employment you would like to see a hero or heroine of a book doing?

    What was the last book you read that kept you awake at least half the night?

    Also, send your snail mail addy to Jo at to receive a free postcard of her book's cover and be entered in a contest to receive a print copy of THE WATCHER when it releases.

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